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Public Awareness and Public Education (PAPE) for Disaster Risk Reduction: Key Messages

Last update 2024

Download the PAPE Key Messages 2018 template document.

Try the short Online Self-Study Module

Download adapted Key Messages for the countries below:

The Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: key messages provides a template for developing DRR messages for a variety of hazards.

Evidence-based, action-oriented messaging for risk reduction and resilience at the household level is a key goal in public awareness, and is particularly important when it comes to scaling-up efforts to create a culture of safety.

To ensure that these messages have credibility, legitimacy and strong impact, they need to be harmonised and consistent, backed by a consensus of key stakeholders, and based on the best knowledge available at the time.

Developed through a comprehensive validation, consensus-building, and expert feedback process, the Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: key messages is a guidance document created as a reference for social and behaviour change. It is also intended to be used in developing information and education materials for public and children's awareness and education.

The objective is to develop and refine national DRR messages with reference to this universal template that can be used for contextualisation and adoption at the national level, ideally with the leadership of the NDMO.

The Key Messages, updated in 2018, are based on an all-hazards family safety plan with additional messages specific to

  • Flood
  • Cyclone
  • Earthquake
  • Drought
  • Wildfire
  • Pandemic

Additional messages are currently being researched and validated for

  • Landslide
  • Volcano
  • Tsunami
  • Pest Infestation
  • Winter storms
  • Chemical, biological, and nuclear hazards

A quick guide to the engagement of national subject matter experts and agencies in the adaptation and adoption of a national set of Key Messages with the support of NGOs, UN agencies, and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is also available in five languages: English, Français, Español, Русский, and العربية. .

Additional materials based on PAPE:KM are found on Prevention Web here.


Resource: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Save the Children