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For Organisations

Endorsing the CSSF demonstrates partners’ commitment to supporting and advocating for:

  • protection of children and teachers from harm in schools
  • all children to have continuous access to learning and receive an education
  • children to be supported with knowledge and skills that can keep them safe.

What does endorsement mean in practice?

Endorsement means agreeing with the goals of the CSSF and committing to work towards implementing and institutionalising the 3 pillars and foundation of the CSSF through:

  1. Policy change: including school safety in relevant policies, programmes, and plans across your organisation.
  2. Budget: allocating budget to support advocacy or implementation of the CSSF and preparedness activities.
  3. Implementation: implementing the 3 pillars and foundation of the CSSF in your work, utilising GADRRRES resources.
  4. Advocacy: calling for action in relevant fora and with partners to encourage more endorsement and implementation of the CSSF.

Endorsement means you share our vision that every school in every country should be a safe school.

How do you endorse the CSSF?

To endorse the CSSF, please send an email to the GADRRRES Secretariat explaining your commitment to comprehensive school safety and the actions you propose to undertake following your endorsement. A template endorsement email can be downloaded here.

What happens after endorsement?

After endorsing the CSSF, you can:

  • join GADRRRES and actively participate in a working group to further our work
  • reach out to GADRRRES for further support, including a package of materials to facilitate an organisational launch and policy changes
  • connect with other partners implementing the CSSF and learn from their approaches
  • institutionalise the CSSF in education and other disaster risk reduction policies in your organisation
  • support financing for comprehensive school safety

You will also be included on the GADRRRES website.

Please contact GADRRRES to request to discuss further actions.

How else can partners support the CSSF?

All partners which endorse the CSSF can use their commitment to encourage others to act. You can do this by:

  1. Share: sharing lessons learned best practices, experiences and case studies with other organisations or countries and publicly in events, media etc.
  2. Advocate: encouraging other partners and countries to endorse and implement the CSSF, including through providing financial support and/or technical assistance.
  3. Join: joining GADRRRES and supporting our efforts through the working groups.