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Who can join GADRRRES?

GADRRRES Terms of Reference delineates three categories of GADRRRES membership:

  • General Membership
  • Regional Affiliate
  • Partner

Organisations interested in joining GADRRRES, and/or one of our Regional Affiliates, and that meet the criteria should download this application form and submit it to GADRRRES Chair/Secretariat using this Application form.

General Membership

General Membership is open to UN agencies/international organisations, international non-governmental organisations, donors, global funds and networks, with a strong global mandate in child rights, risk reduction and/or education.


  • The organisation has a strong mandate in children’s rights, risk reduction and/or education, and contributes to improving knowledge and practice in risk reduction and resilience in the education sector.
  • The organisation has an international mandate and outreach.
  • The organisation has the capacity and commitment to ensure active participation in GADRRRES.


  • Nominate a focal point and alternate/back-up representative.
  • Support the implementation of GADRRRES Strategy and advocate for Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) through the promotion of the Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF) 2022-2030.
  • Participate actively in at least one of the GADRRRES Working Groups and Technical Reference Groups.
  • Share expertise and technical materials in a collaborative manner.
  • Provide human, technical, and/or financial support including but not limited to:
  • 1 day per month of one focal point or alternate/back-up representative; bi-annual calls including an annual face-to-face meeting.
  • In-kind contributions, such as staff time, technical expertise, hosting meetings, website development and maintenance, and other costs to support the coordination of the Alliance and its workplan.
  • Joint resource mobilisation to advance the GADRRRES strategy and workplan.
  • Where and when it applies, the focal point and alternate/back-up representative should be able to identify within their organisation:
  • A high-level representative well informed about the organisation’s commitment to GADRRRES.
  • One or several communication and advocacy focal point(s) to support GADRRRES communication and advocacy initiatives at the global and regional levels by joining Working Group II: Advocate for Comprehensive School Safety.

Regional Affiliate Membership

Regional Affiliate Membership is open to similarly constituted multi-stakeholder alliances organised at a regional level. GADRRRES currently has regional affiliates for the Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia Pacific, and West and Central Africa. Coalitions outside of these regions, interested in being regional or sub-regional affiliates, are encouraged to apply to join GADRRRES.


Regional Affiliates organise themselves independently, in support of the vision, mission, and objectives of GADRRRES, at a regional and/or sub-regional level.


  • Nominate co-leads from two member organisations.
  • Participate in GADRRRES Steering Committee and GADRRRES Full Membership meetings.
  • Share workplans.
  • Maintain collaboration and communication.

Partner Membership

Partners may include donors, global funds, private sector organisations, academic institutions, networks, and others which endorse the CSSF 2022-2030, support the aims of GADRRRES, and are willing to provide material, in-kind and/or strategic support, but do not meet the criteria for membership. Like members, the core commitment of partners is to advocate for Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) through support to the implementation of the CSSF 2022-2030.

Please submit your application form to GADRRRES Chair/Secretariat.