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Pillar 2: School Safety and Educational Continuity Management

Last updated 2020

Pillar 2: School Safety and Educational Continuity Management addresses school safety through disaster management planning and processes including in the following areas: assessment and planning; physical, environmental, and social protection; response skills and provisions; representative/participatory SDM linked to school-based management; educational continuity planning; standard operating procedures; contingency planning.

The resources included in the tables below provide guidance on Pillar 2: School Safety and Educational Continuity Management.

Research and Guidance

Language Resource Type Title Publisher Year
English Report Assessing School Safety Baseline Report UNDRR 2012
English Online Lesson Introduction to Participatory School Disaster Management: Online Lesson Save the Children 2016
English Report Participatory School Disaster Management Resources ASEAN, Save the Children 2016
English Research Report Uganda - Strengthening education sector planning capacities for conflict and disaster risk management IIEP 2016
English Case Study Nationwide School Earthquake Drills in Iran GADRRRES 2017
English Case Study Protecting Children in Emergencies by Law in the Philippines GADRRRES 2017
English Case Study Developing School Plans and Performing Drills in Los Angeles GADRRRES 2017
English Case Study Scaling-up Comprehensive School Safety Assessment in Laos and Indonesia GADRRRES 2017
English Research into Action Brief and Summary School emergency drills GADRRRES 2018
English Guidance Education Sector Recovery GFDRR 2019
English Report ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative:Enhancing the Environment for Education Continuity in Multi-hazard settings in ASEAN ASSI 2019