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How we work

Our Objectives

GADRRRES' objectives are to:

Strengthen global coordination and collective impact for Comprehensive School Safety

  • Facilitate collaboration, maximise synergies and support coordination of the work of members of the Alliance and other stakeholders in research, practice, and policy.
  • Promote networking and partnership-building to facilitate the mainstreaming of Comprehensive School Safety into national education policies and sector plans.

Advocate for Comprehensive School Safety

  • Develop a common strategy for evidence-based advocacy on school safety.
  • Undertake high-level advocacy efforts to promote school safety at global and regional levels among the education, disaster management, and child protection sectors.

Improve global information, resources and knowledge management, research and capacity-development for Comprehensive School Safety

  • Facilitate the collection and dissemination of existing knowledge on safer school facilities, school safety management, and risk reduction and resilience education.
  • Provide normative guidance and promote peer review to elaborate evidence-based practice and promote practice-based evidence building for Comprehensive School Safety.
  • Support development and dissemination of existing and new educational and training materials, guidelines, and standards at the global level.

Strategy & Workplan

GADRRRES organises its collaborative work around a common workplan, with one Working Group corresponding to each of these three strategic aims. Each working group has task teams to implement specific activities.

GADRRRES also has 3 Technical Reference Groups with global experts who advise and support on:

Safer Learning Facilities icon

Safer Learning Facilities

School Safety and Educational Continuity Management icon

School Safety and Educational Continuity Management

Risk Reduction & Resilience Education icon

Risk Reduction & Resilience Education.


The infographic below describes the GADRRRES governance structure. The GADRRRES Secretariat is comprised of a rotating Chair and Co-chair position, as well as a paid coordinator staff position. GADRRRES has several Regional Affiliates that coordinate and guide regional activities. It also has a Steering Committee that guide GADRRRES Secretariat activities. GADRRRES divides its work into Working Groups and Technical Reference Groups. There are three Working Groups: Coordination and Capacity Development for Collective Impact, Advocacy for CSS and Knowledge Management and Evidence. The Techincal Reference include Pillar 1: Safer Learning Facilites, Pillar 2: School Safety & Educational Continuity Management and Pillar 3: Risk Reduction and Resilience Education.

GADRRRES Governance Structure infographic


GADRRRES has its genesis during the period of the UNDRR Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015, and has been at work steadily for more than a decade.

The GADRRRES timeline below describes the activities 2006 to 2024. 2006: "Let Our Children Teach us" published and Thematic Platform on Knowledge and Education (TPKE) recognized by UNDRR. 2007-8: Ahmedabad Action Agenda for School Safety and Islamabad Declaration on School Safety. 2012: CSS Framework adopted by the Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety and the South East Asia Ministers of Education Organization. 2013: Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector formed. 2014-16: Worldwide initiative on School Safety and package of technical support. CSSF Targets & Indicators launched. 2017: CSS Policy Survey 2017 first implementation. 68 countries responded. 2019: "Words Into Action: Engaging Children and Youth" published. 2022: CSS Famework 2022-2030 launched. CSS Targets & Indicators revised. 2023: CSS Operational Guidance Catalogue published. 2024: CSS Policy Survey 2024.

GADRRRES and Comprehensive School Safety Timeline from 2006 to 2024

Translation Work

To learn about our approach to equity and inclusion through proactive translation work, please see our Multilingual Glossary.


See evaluations of our work.

Cover page of evaluation document