Safe Schools Context Analysis

Safe Schools Context Analysis
Last updated 2023
This collection includes a set of research and analysis reports intended to provide a brief and readable context analysis, providing the essential information for individuals and organisations to be able to advocate effectively for school safety at national level (or in federated countries, at sub-national level), and ensure that any expenditure of time and effort in this domain are designed to build upon existing policies and capacities.
The Safe Schools Context Analysis (SCCA) used to be known as the Education Sector Snapshot for Comprehensive School Safety and Education in Emergencies.
The Safe Schools Context Analysis Template
What is the SSCA template?
The SSCA template is for the national (sub-national) coordination mechanism for school safety and education in emergencies to populate. Once populated, it provides a brief and readable context analysis, including the essential information for individuals and organizations to be able to:
- advocate effectively for school safety at the national level (or in federated countries, at sub-national level), and
- make sure any time and effort spent on school safety build on existing policies and capacities.
What does the SSCA template include?
- Introductory demographics and socio-political context
- Education sector overview
- Hazards and risks overview
- Disaster Risk Management overview
- Child Protection Systems overview
- Comprehensive School Safety overview
- Pillar 1: Safe School Facilities: Policies, practices, and programs
- Pillar 2: School Safety Management and Educational Continuity: Policies, practices, and programs
- Pillar 3: Risk Reduction and Resilience in Education: Policies, practices, and programs
- Child protection, conflict and violence prevention: policies, practices, and programs
The SSCA template also includes appendices:
- Sub-national schools and enrollment data
- Education for All global monitoring statistics
- School safety coordination mechanisms
- Terms of Reference and member roster
- National contingency plans hazard maps
- Framework agreements
- School safety focal point Terms of References, and
- Similar data that is important to have in one place for reference.
The Safe Schools Context Analysis – country versions
Download SSCA for each country
- Bangladesh
- Fiji
- Indonesia
- Lao PDR
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Philippines
- Solomon Islands
- Thailand
- Timor Leste
- Vanuatu
- Vietnam
Visit the Safe Schools Context Analysis collection on PreventionWeb
Who will use the SSCA and how?
- All participants in the multi-stakeholder mechanism for school safety will use it as a shared understanding of context.
- It is a starting point for collective identification of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats – and for national (or sub-national) strategic planning for school safety.
- It is a reference for rapid joint appeal in case of major disaster.
- It is a reference for orienting all partner staff engaged in the impacts of violence, conflict, and natural hazards on education.
- The SSCA appendices provide both current data for reference and for institutional memory.
Want a SSCA for your country?
Contact the GADRRRES Secretariat