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Pillar 3: Risk Reduction and Resilience Education

Last updated 2023

Pillar 3 - Risk Reduction and Resilience Education addresses school safety through education activities and systems including in the following areas: Education for Sustainable Development, child-centred learning, formal curriculum integrations and infusion, national consensus-based key messages, teacher training and staff development, extracurricular and community-based informal education, conflict sensitive education for diversity, acceptance, peace, and social cohesion.

The resources included in the tables below provide guidance on Pillar 3 - Risk Reduction and Resilience Education.

Core Documents

Public Awareness and Public Education Key Messages Collection Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Action-oriented Key Messages for Households and Schools
This collection includes nationally adapted and adopted versions for many countries, in both national languages as well as in English. There is also a growing body of derived Family Safety and Resilience Plans and other guidance for household and school-based preparedness. The second edition (2018) of this global template which includes messages for households and schools, is available in English. The first edition (2011) is also available in Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian.

Research and Guidance

Language Resource Type Title Publisher Year
English Report (84MB) Immersive Technology and Digital Games for School Disaster Preparedness IFRC 2019
English Report Enseigner les Premiers Secours aux Enfants en Afrique Belgian Red Cross 2018
English Report Teaching First Aid to Children in Africa Belgian Red Cross 2018
English Research into Action Brief and Summary Early childhood and disaster risk reduction GADRRRES 2018
English Research into Action Brief and Summary Children's impacts on household safety GADRRRES 2018
English Report Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: key messages IFRC 2018
English Research Report Child-centred risk reduction impacts on household safety - Evaluation toolkit development and testing Save the Children 2018
English Case Study Students Leading Communities in Disaster Risk Reduction through Informal Education in Cuba GADRRRES 2017
English Case Study Mainstreaming Road Safety Education for Children in South Korea GADRRRES 2017
English Case Study Scaling-up Comprehensive School Safety Assessment in Laos and Indonesia GADRRRES 2017
English Report Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives UNESCO 2017
English Report First Aid and Children Resource Guide IFRC 2016
English Curriculum Guide Safety, Resilience, and Social Cohesion: a guide for curriculum developers UNESCO- IBE, UNESCO-IIEP, PEIC 2015
English Curriculum Guide Towards a Learning Culture of Safety and Resilience: Technical Guidance for Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction in the School Curriculum UNESCO, UNICEF 2014
Español Policy Guidance La réduction des risques de catastrophes dans les programmes scolaires: Études de cas concernant trente pays UNESCO 2014
English Guide-parent Stay safe and be prepared: three-book Compendium on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) UNESCO 2014
English Guide-student Stay safe and be prepared: three-book Compendium on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) UNESCO 2014
English Guide-teacher Stay safe and be prepared: three-book Compendium on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) UNESCO 2014
English Guide Climate Change in the classroom: Course for the Secondary Teachers UNESCO 2013
English Video Learning to address climate change UNESCO 2013
Español Video Aprender a afrontar el cambio climático UNESCO 2013
Français Video Apprendre à faire face au changement climatique UNESCO 2013
English Video Education for Disaster preparedness UNESCO 2013
Français Video Education à la prévention des catastrophes UNESCO 2013
Español Video Educación para la prevención de las catástrofes UNESCO 2013
English Policy Guidance Disaster Risk Reduction in School Curricula: Case Studies from Thirty Countries UNESCO, UNICEF 2012
English Webpage Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction IFRC