Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety
Asia Pacific Regional Affiliate

Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety
Asia Pacific Regional Affiliate

Established in 2012, the Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety (APCSS) is a Regional Affiliate of the Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES). The APCSS aims to create a space at the regional level for discussion and sharing of technical resources, good practices/lessons learnt and model policies on Safe Schools to minimize the impacts of disasters on children’s education and to coordinate and promote advocacy for Comprehensive School Safety, across Asia-Pacific countries.
In addition to core members (Plan International, Save the Children, World Vision International, UNICEF, UNESCO, IFRC, ADPC and UNDRR), the APCSS maintains its cooperative linkages with two sub-regional platforms in Asia-Pacific (sub-regional members): Pacific Coalition For The Advancement Of School Safety (PCSASS) and ASEAN Safe School Initiative (ASSI), as well as other collaborative members, such as: ChildFund, UN Major Group of Children and Youth (MGCY), and All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI).

Key Priorities
Regional launch of the Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022 – 2030 in Asia-Pacific in 2023 (virtual event)
Report: “Guardians of the planet: Asia Pacific Children and Youth Voices on Climate Crisis and Disaster Risk Reduction Report” – Report, Webinar recording, Infographic summary
Webinar recording on “Inclusive policy and practices in education continuity for the most-at-risk girls and boys”
Webinar recordings on the inter-agency resource “Safe Back to School: A Practitioner’s Guide”: Session 1, Session 2
Children Stakeholder Group Statement – Asia-Pacific Partnership on Disaster Risk Reduction Forum 2019
- APCSS support to GADRRRES Side event on school safety at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland:
- Report: “Enhancing the Enabling Environment for Education Continuity in Multi-Hazard Settings in ASEAN”
- Report: “Towards School Safety in ASEAN: A compilation of case stories from the children who participated in promoting school safety”
- Video: “Standard Operating Procedure for school disaster preparedness in ASEAN” -
APCSS Statement for Comprehensive School Safety implementation – Third ASEAN Conference on School Safety
Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Brisbane, Australia in 2022:
- Partner Event: “Recipes for Success to Scale up Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) Across Asia-Pacific”
- Market Place – presentation of learning materials, tools and promotion for the updated Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030. -
Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Mongolia in 2018:
- Thematic event: Promoting investment in disaster risk reduction through good examples of child-focused Comprehensive School Safety implementation in different contexts and innovative education solutions.
- APCSS market place: Presentation of good practices, showcasing tools, modules, and findings from research at regional and country levels
- Side event: Safe Schools: Researcher, Practitioner and Policy-maker -
Collaboration for evidence-based practice
- Side event: Risk-Aware and Disaster-Ready Generation towards Sustainable Community Resiliency
- Side event: Collaborative Surge – Enabling localisation enhancing resilience
- Side event: Making Schools Safer in Asia -
Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in India in 2016:
- Policy Brief on Advancing Comprehensive School Safety for Asia-Pacific
- Thematic session: Promoting educational continuity and resilience of children and community through increasing child-focused Comprehensive School Safety in different contexts and innovative educational solutions
- Technical Session: Investing in DRR for resilience