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Comprehensive School Safety Champion Countries

Comprehensive School Safety Champion Countries are leading the way in developing safe, resilient education systems for children and educators around the world.

Comprehensive School Safety champion countries first and foremost act as inspiration for other countries and partners to endorse the CSSF. Their experience is used to demonstrate the importance and impact of school safety at the country level, including through:

  • Acting as a leading example of comprehensive school safety, highlighting its importance through national, regional, and global education, DRR, environmental, humanitarian, development, and other relevant fora.
  • Sharing lessons learned, best practices, experiences and case studies with other countries and publicly in events, media, etc.
  • Encouraging other countries to endorse and implement the CSSF, including through providing technical assistance and/or financial support to neighbouring or high-risk low-capacity countries with existing cooperation links.

Become a Champion Country

Why become a champion country?

Champion Countries will receive: 

  • A profile on the GADRRRES website
  • Opportunities to co-lead, participate in, or speak at events
  • Support to organise a national launch of the CSSF (if not already completed)

Please note no financial support provided by GADRRRES to Champion Countries.

Criteria for selection

Selection of Champion Countries will be made by the GADRRRES Steering Committee based on the following criteria.

Champion Countries must be a national government and:

  • COMMIT: Have formally endorsed the CSSF.
  • IMPLEMENT: Show evidence of how the CSSF has been or is being implemented in their country via written or video recorded case study. 
  • REPORT: Take part in the 2024 Comprehensive School Safety Policy Survey.


Governments can self-nominate by emailing GADRRRES with a demonstration of how they meet the selection criteria. Please include all supporting materials with your email.

Organisations interested in nominating a government to become a Champion Country should contact GADRRRES to request a letter of invitation.