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For Governments

For governments, endorsing the CSSF demonstrates a commitment to and investment in:

  • protecting children and teachers from harm in schools
  • ensuring all children have continuous access to learning and receive an education
  • supporting children with knowledge and skills that can keep them safe.

What does endorsement mean in practice?

Endorsement means agreeing with the goals of the CSSF and committing to work towards implementing and institutionalising the 3 pillars and foundation of the CSSF through:

  1. Policy change: including school safety in relevant national and local policies and plans, coordinating across relevant ministries and sharing these widely.
  2. Budget: allocating national budget to support implementation of the CSSF and preparedness activities.
  3. Implementation: implementing the 3 pillars and foundation of the CSSF in schools across the country, utilising GADRRRES resources and lessons learnt from other countries.

Endorsement means you share our vision that every school in every country should be a safe school.

How do you endorse the CSSF?

To endorse the CSSF, please send an email to the GADRRRES Secretariat explaining your commitment to comprehensive school safety and the actions you propose to undertake following your endorsement. A template endorsement email can be downloaded here.

In 2024 we are conducting a Comprehensive School Safety Policy Survey to understand how all countries are implementing and institutionalising CSSF. You can endorse the CSSF by participating in the survey and indicating your intention too.

Should all countries endorse and implement CSSF?

Yes! Schools in all countries can face different risks and resilience can always be improved – it’s a process not an end goal, and risk assessments, plans and responses should always be reassessed and updated.

Industrialised countries can also endorse and implement the CSSF both domestically and internationally.

What happens after endorsement?

We encourage you to use the opportunity of endorsement as a catalyst for action, including by:

  • responding to the CSSF Policy survey
  • organise a national launch of your endorsement and bring attention to the work you will be doing to build your national strategy for comprehensive school safety. You can reach out to GADRRRES for support and materials
  • connecting with other countries implementing the CSSF and learn from their approaches
  • institutionalising the CSSF in education policies
  • budgeting for CSSF.

After endorsing the CSSF, you will also be included on the GADRRRES website.

Please contact the CSSF Policy Survey Team to request a one-to-one briefing on the CSSF Policy Survey for your country.

How else can governments support the CSSF?

Governments which endorse the CSSF can use their commitment to encourage others to act.

  1. Share: sharing lessons learned best practices, experiences and case studies with other countries and publicly in events, media etc.
  2. Advocate: encouraging other countries to endorse and implement the CSSF, including through providing financial support and/or technical assistance to neighbouring or high-risk low-capacity countries with existing cooperation links.
  3. Report: reporting on progress of the CSSF nationally and globally, including through the 2024 CSS Policy Survey and subsequent reporting processes.