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  • Mid-Term Review of the Sendai Framework – Risk Reduction Hub on DRR and Education

Mid-Term Review of the Sendai Framework – Risk Reduction Hub on DRR and Education



This Risk Reduction Hub (RRH) event on DRR and education, organised as part of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework (concluded on 19 May 2023 with the adoption of a High-Level Political Declaration) was an opportunity to take stock of progress made in translating such commitments in the education sector, review challenges faced and solutions to address these.

It followed several other events, including the CSSF 2022-2030 global launch and the UN Transforming Education Summit, both held in September 2022; the CSSF 2022-2030 regional launches for Eastern and Southern Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, respectively held in December 2022 and January 2023; and preceded the CSSF 2022-2030 regional launches in West and Central Africa, and Asia-Pacific in June 2023; and COP 28 in Dubai in November/December 2023, on the occasion of which education will be high on the agenda.

During this event, we:

  • Raised awareness about the critical role of education towards achieving the outcome of the Sendai Framework.
  • Outlined major achievements, challenges and barriers to the implementation of the Sendai Framework since 2015, from the perspective of the education sector.
  • Introduced and showcased the CSSF 2022-2030 as a practical framework to promote DRR, child rights and resilience within and through the education sector.

Please access:

  • the event concept note [here](/files/rrh---drr-and-education-gadrrres-concept-note.pdf)
  • the event report [here](/files/rrh-drr-and-education_webinar-report.pdf)
  • the event recording [here](
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