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COVID-19 and School Safety - Comprehensive School Safety Framework Pillar 3: Risk Reduction and Resilience Education

02 July 2020


COVID-19 and School Safety - Comprehensive School Safety Framework Pillar 3: Risk Reduction and Resilience Education

Location: Online    Start Date: 02 July 2020   End Date: 02 July 2020

Speakers:Marla Petal, Bonnie Haskell, Anva Ratzon, Carolina Andrade and Dana Yaari Organiser: GADRRRES

Attendance: 148 participants

Webinar recording available on the GADRRRES YouTube channel:

Learning and Insights

● Public Awareness and Public Education (PAPE) for DRR: The Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector recommends PAPE Action-Oriented Key Messages as a foundation for Pillar 3: Risk Reduction and Resilience Education – and the starting point for development of formal and informal curriculum content. PAPE consist of:

○ Key messages for all-hazards family and household disaster prevention

○ Hazard specific key messages

○ Child protection in emergencies

○ Standard operating procedures for disasters and emergencies in schools

● PAPE: KM – The adaptation and adoption process:

○ Step 1: Meet with the national disaster management organisations to make a preliminary plan

○ Step 2: Prepare the key messages for review

○ Step 3: Plan the two-day national workshop agenda and send out invitations to review packets to subject matter experts

○ Step 4: Prepare for the workshop(s)

○ Step 5: Conduct the workshop(s)

○ Step 6: Compile and edit inputs and circulate draft for final review

○ Step 7: Finalise, publish and disseminate the key messages

● Kids Activity Kit: COVID-19 with activity cards structured around (1) COVID-19 messages, (2) Child-friendly formats and (3) accessible through different means addressing current challenges for children and engaging with them on COVID-19.

● The importance of including caregivers in building child resilience is particularly important to assist children in their health and well-being, as well as to cope with stress. Several important parts are outlined in the toolkit developed by IsraAID to cope with the current COVID-19 crisis and how this influences the caregiver-child relationship and well-being.

● Case study 1: COVID-19 Response in Mozambique with distribution of PSS kits and hygiene kits roll-out still continuing successfully to respond to COVID-19 in different parts of the country.

● Case study 2: COVID-19 Response in Commonwealth of Dominica had a targeted direct community approach with virtual recreation rooms and government and general public approach with information dissemination based.

Resources and further reading:

Public awareness and public education key messages Collection

Kids Activity Kit: COVID-19

COVID-19 Toolkit for Parents by IsraAID

Additional IsraAID response to COVID-19 related resources


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