- Events
- Accelerating Comprehensive School Safety: Turning awareness to action for resilient education
Accelerating Comprehensive School Safety: Turning awareness to action for resilient education
8.30-10.00 am GMT
Thursday, 20 February 2025
2024 saw significant acceleration towards national, regional, and global awareness and endorsement of the Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF). From the Accelerator Fair of the Global Education Meeting in Brazil to the main stage of the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference in the Philippines, the topic of comprehensive school safety and its importance for education system resilience soared up the global agenda around the world. But what does this mean in practice? And where do we go from here?
To explore these questions in more detail, the Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES) hosted a virtual event to understand what it takes for different sectors to advance the agenda on safe and resilient schools. With an eye on the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction taking place in June this year, this intersectoral dialogue served as both a presentation of achievements to date and facilitated a discussion on the way forward, building on the current momentum behind comprehensive school safety. Presentations of successful regional initiatives were followed by an interactive panel where intersectoral representatives shared and discussed their ideas for the year ahead. The session concluded with the presentation of a roadmap for accelerating comprehensive school safety in 2025, which will guide coordinated action in the year ahead.
Image Copyright: © Ayşe Nur Gençalp / Save the Children Türkiye